Bug Bonanza at Chard Reservoir Local Nature Reserve 2024
Blimey! It is BUG BONANZA time again at Chard Reservoir! For any of you who have not been to one before (where have you been?!), prepare yourself for a real buzz of activities down here in the reserve! Grab yourself a net and swish about in the stream, looking for those water-based creatures, or sweep the meadows looking for our fluttering friends!
Blend in with the bugs by getting your face painted, build your bugs a home from our recycled materials, create your own crafty critters, identify our incredible insects with our rangers and wash all of that down with refreshments provided by our volunteers! Cash donations are welcomed!
So, what are you waiting for?! GET THE BUG and join us down by the stream in the meadows for the best bonanza yet!
All children are to be accompanied by adults. Dogs need to be on leads in the event area. Wellies/wet shoes for going in the stream are recommended!
Cash donations towards future events appreciated!